Children's Ministry

Ms. Tasha Orr leads the RC3 Children's Ministry.  Tasha has developed an extraordinary Performing Arts Program.  Children learn to perform by singing, playing instruments, dancing, and engaging in steps.  On the fourth Sunday of the month, RC3 hosts a "Kids Take Over" under Tasha's leadership.  During Kids Take Over, the children literally take over worship and lead the worship service.  Adults participate by providing guidance; however, the kids lead all aspects of the worship assembly.

In addition, the RC3 Children's Ministry has performed at the Shelby County Commission Chambers, the Memphis Police Department Raleigh Station, and at the Raleigh Bicentennial Celebration.  Tasha's Summer Camp featuring the Performing Arts Program has been awarded two grants that enabled under resourced kids to attend free.

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Welcome to the vibrant world of faith and fun at Raleigh Community Church's Children's Ministry! Rooted in love and Christian principles, our ministry is a joy-filled sanctuary where young hearts embark on a thrilling journey of spiritual growth. Guided by dedicated leaders, we create engaging, age-appropriate programs that turn learning about Jesus into an exciting adventure.

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